Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Re-doing this blog

I'm having to re-do this blog as i was hijacked and all my pictures gone,  so far its taken me almost the whole day to get done what i have,  re-loading pics ect in every single post :(   not a happy girl )

So excuse the mess right now as i've decided to re-do everything including a new banner, but i havent got the right size yet. 

I'm also going to learn to back up everything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. Ohhh, ich glaube das ist der Alptraum eines jeden Bloggers, alles weg .... und nun von Vorne.

    Aber wir haben deine schönen Sachen noch in unserer Erinnerung und da geht zum Glück nichts verloren ;-)

    Und manches Mal muss man Altes loslassen und Neues in Empfang nehmen.

    Ich fühle mit dir mit,
    liebste Grüße Jessi

  2. Oh how i wish i could speak different lauguages lol thankyou Mobifilz xo

  3. Daemons of the computer unfortunately... Patience... Good to have you back though!
    My greetings from Greece! Γεια σου (yiassou)!

  4. Thankyou Foolosopher i appreciate that and greeting to you to xoxo

  5. Sometimes bad things happen and then we can learn from them. The fact that you are forced to manage the problem will help you learn how to do more things than you imagined. That is how I learn too. Congratulations, Karen.

  6. Awwwww Thankyou Judy and yes your absolutely right i did put it in the to hard basket but now i'm enjoying going back through everything and fixing it xoxo

  7. It's getting there Karen - just keep plugging along :)

  8. Glad to see you again. Thanks for stopping by and sweet words. Have a good day.
